
Archive for June, 2009

June, 2009 Scott Stamp Monthly Cover Story: Bhutan’s Amazing CD Stamps

June 1st, 2009

This week at Creative Products, we are excited about Charles Snee’s cover story in the June, 2009 edition of the print magazine Scott’s Stamp Monthly on Bhutan’s long-time history of unusual postage stamps. While proofreading a 2008 entry in Scott’s annual catalog about Bhutan’s innovative new postage stamps made from colorful, functional CD-ROM’s, Mr. Snee remembered his own experiences as a young stamp collector attending stamp shows and longing to own Bhutan’s unusual stamps. So he decided to follow his curiosity, and the long and detailed article “From 3-D to CD: Innovative Firsts Found Among Bhutanese Stamps” came about, along with 11 full-color photo’s of Bhutan’s stamps.

The following is excerpted from Mr. Snee’s article:

“As I examined these most unusual creations, I wondered about their source of inspiration. Who, after all, would be so audacious as to produce a memory-storage device for a computer and call it a postage stamp? A quick chat with Scott new issues editor Marty Frankevicz revealed that the stamps are a product of Creative Productions International, a Pittsburgh-based firm founded more than three decades ago…More research revealed that the impetus behind CPI’s philatelic foray is Burt Todd, a gifted businessman…in 1966, Todd began to bring his dream to fruition, with the release of the nine circular King Wangchuck stamps embossed on gold foil. Though these were not the first of their kind, they marked the beginning of a remarkable run of stamps produced using technologies that broke existing boundaries of what comprises a stamp.”

and another excerpt:

“Todd’s expertise in the steel industry helped blaze the trail toward the next philatelic milestone for Bhutan: stamps printed on steel. The history of steel-making is depicted on the set of 12 self-adhesive stamps issued in 1969 whose designs are lithographed on steel foil (Scott 103-103k). A steel rolling mill is pictured on the 5nu airmail stamp (Scott 103j).”

To read the entire article, you must be a paid subscriber of Scott’s, one of the premiere philatelic information organizations in the world. The $9.95 fee gives full access to Scott’s entire website and all of the articles for an entire year. Visit for more information. This is the combined website for both Linn’s Stamp News and Scott’s Stamp Monthly.

“The black of the night was surely followed by brightness of a new day. We are happy to be alive, eager to see the first ray of sun, rising in a hurry above the ocean, warming our faces illuminating our souls.”

From the poem “Hope” by Faye Hosein
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